The Amazing Race - Ground Hog

The human brain is amazing in that it manages to delete the memories of how it feels in the middle of a 17 hour flight, to the extent that you do it again. And again. A bit like childbirth in a way, you vow to never do it again, and then here we are. Disclosure - I was lucky enough to fly business class which means a pod to yourself (downside is that nobody talks), you get silver service and can lie down to sleep. It's something I have always said I wouldn't do because it would be impossible to come back to economy... So it was Auckland Dubai (four hours break - but business class has a lounge with a shower, and I'm not going to lie but I looked as though I had SLEPT in my clothes) Zagreb, two hours to spare while I watched the carousel going around and around without seeing my bag - (thanks Auckland Airport who told me I would need to grab my bag at Zagreb and check it back in for the flight to Split - not true - thank you Zagreb staff who smiled and pointed out that my ...