Fated Roadie (sorry, this one is out of order!)

Jenny and I decided that we would head to Trogir for the day - this combined with a wine tasting at Kairos Vineyards.

The day was fated.

We bought tickets for the bus to Trogir - it was leaving in 10 minutes and we planted ourselves in front of Peron 1 - and waited. The bus didn't appear, so I went to ask about whether it was late - 'no, it left at 10:30, not before not after'. 'Was it invisible' I asked? We were right there, only the bus didn't pull in to the Peron. Of course we had to pay for a new ticket for the next bus...

We jumped into a taxi from the airport to Trogir - 'sure' he said, 'I can take you to the vineyard, call me 10 minutes before you need to go there'. He even called Kairos Vineyard to get directions.

Jenny and I grabbed some fruit, and wandered into the old town. Only momentarily distracted by a dress shop, we stopped to ask a lady (Dijana) about the significance of the markings on the corners of the buildings (there are so many interesting markings on the buildings that we desperately needed a historian or a catholic who could decipher latin), and she explained very nicely that the taller the column detail on the building, the more money the owner had. Clever.

Then what we had imagined were drips from air conditioning units evolved into rain - and thunder and lightening! Everyone scampered and I stayed chatting to Dijana. Turns out we were in the oldest street in Trogir, and beside the building in which I hunkered was the oldest house - 900C with the Venetian 'triple windows'. Architecturally what followed (in the hunker) in 1400 was the 'two window' variation. Fashion huh? So fickle.

We tried to go into the monastery, (closed), one of the other little chapels (closed) gatecrashed a tour, overing with our ears bent to get some details on the beautiful Logia.

Once again I had come out with shoulders exposed so quickly brought a scarf so that we could go into the cathedral (just a little smug when she pointed out my shoulders and I, like a magician pulled the scarf out of my bag). Like eating the lesser loved food before getting to the favourite, we circled the church - first to the chapel for baptisms, then up the stairs to the bell tower, and finally back down through the magnificent doors and then inside. Pretty damn spectacular, but also maybe a little macabre - check out the guy coming from the rose in the ceiling one side chapel!

Satiated, it was time to go to the vineyard - we called the taxi driver, he said someone would be there in the carpark by Konzum, we waited for the taxi drive, didn't arrive. What to do - called the vineyard - no answer... and at that point, hands in the air, a Croatia shrug of the shoulders, we gave up, and dragged ourselves on the bus back to Split. Sadly, there was a shitty email from the vineyard, saying that this was the first time in five years someone hadn't turned up. Sto raditi - :(

Enjoy the black and white photos!


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