
Showing posts from March, 2020
ISOL Day 6 It's becoming the new normal I guess, and people are debating about how we an incorporate some of the new things we are learning into life on The Other Side. Walking with your family, families out on bikes and scooters, dedicated 'no device' days. I decided today that Facebook wouldn't get a viewing. The world seems to be taking a breath - air-pollution is clearing, waters are running clearly, no traffic congestion. Could we incorporate this into our long term daily lives? Trumpet is still dodging and deflecting questions regarding his competence which makes us here in NZ extreeeemly happy that Jacinda is at the helm. Cases are increasing, 54 more today, only 14 in hospital. Police are becoming irritated by the number of people just ignoring the new parameters of our lives - songs like 'Don't stand so Close to Me' are on the radios. Sadly, it make not sink in with some people until someone close to them dies (metaphorically hopefully - met
Yesterday was sobering when we had our first Covid 19 patient pass away. Seemingly no connection with anyone who has travelled - previously it may have felt like and exercise that we are going through, but suddenly it is real. We have 589 affected currently - many have recovered, 12 in hospital, 2 in ICU - of all of those affected only 2% seem to be by community transmission. Perversely, the number thing seems like a reverse telethon. I feel glad that I have the luxury of work to entertain myself with and perversely I am also glad that I don't have grumpy teenagers in my house! So many humorous comments on facebook about how to deal with all of this. Food has become very important -it's bizarre. Recipes for beer bread, one pot wonders. I found a bottle of beer in the cupboard and made a loaf, i'm working my way through it - a couple of slices for lunch, one before dinner. My radio station has Tessipes (I laughed out loud, sorry, it's recipes by Tess) with simpl
ISOL Day 4 It's  pouring with rain as I write this - rain that follows heat, rain that feeds the garden but not cold rain  because the terasa doors are still open. The only way we can get through this isolation (and by 'we' I mean 'I') is to have routine and purpose, and look at it in bite-sized pieces. Routine - no yoga crew to join, but an hour out cycling, meandering around paths I haven't explored yet. Later, having spotted that Fresh Collective was open, i joined the queue looking for flour for mum - none, but found a nice banana loaf so that she didn't feel the need to shop. And after dropping the 'provisions' off, worried about who else had touched the fruit - and rang dad to tell him to wash the nectarines and bananas in warm soapy water. What are we coming too? We are witnessing history as it unfolds. The front yard filled in a few hours, listening to yesterday's Kim Hill interviews (seriously want to be like her - she's
ISOL Day 2 I grabbed my airpods and linked into last Saturday's Kim Hill show -nothing like being a week behind the eight ball, but this way the interviews run one into the other , only slightly disconcerting to hear the virologist confidently stating that we only had one case and he thought it possible to stop any community spread. When I got back into the street I wandered slightly further past the house, noticing that there was a new car at our hotspottroublespot. The guy standing outside the house didn't look like our normal dodgy character and he looked stressed. I stopped and asked him if he was ok - he said no, so I asked if he wanted to talk about it. So, maybe not the best decision (but maybe his life didn't have a pool of options to choose from - he and his wife and 6 children had used up the last of money on petrol to drive from Hastings with the promise of a house in Henderson, closer to her family. Communication may have been crosswired, but when they arr