The End

This is it folks, the end of the blogging, this is the last one, and it will be brief - because, well the excursion was brief. Following Rocco's advice, I set off this morning at 8 to go to Ostuni - I jumped online to see the best way to do so. You see, to date, I have relied on trains, and there is no train to Ostuni. 'Rome to Rio' (great travel site) said Bus/ Taxi/ Drive. Unfortunately, the information for the buses was scant - and the more I checked it out, the more I could see that there were three bus companies and no particular 'station' as such. I spotted people with suitcases down the hill from the old town here, spoke to them, a bus pulled up, was going to Fasano and the driver indicated that I should get on. He said I could then take the bus to Ostuni. Arrive in Fasano, sprawling large city- someone pointed me in the direction of a link bus to the train station because it seems that there is a train to Ostuni from Fasano (but no train from Locorotondo t...