The End

 This is it folks, the end of the blogging, this is the last one, and it will be brief - because, well the excursion was brief.

Following Rocco's advice, I set off this morning at 8 to go to Ostuni - I jumped online to see the best way to do so. You see, to date, I have relied on trains, and there is no train to Ostuni. 'Rome to Rio' (great travel site) said Bus/ Taxi/ Drive. Unfortunately, the information for the buses was scant - and the more I checked it out, the more I could see that there were three bus companies and no particular 'station' as such. I spotted people with suitcases down the hill from the old town here, spoke to them, a bus pulled up, was going to Fasano and the driver indicated that I should get on. He said I could then take the bus to Ostuni.

Arrive in Fasano, sprawling large city- someone pointed me in the direction of a link bus to the train station because it seems that there is a train to Ostuni from Fasano (but no train from Locorotondo to Fasano). Bought the tickets, train was arriving in 20 minutes, and as I waited, I wondered - you know, what's the deal when you get to the Ostuni train station in terms of where it is in relation to the old town - turns out it is a 20 minutes bus ride, and buses only come once an hour...added to which there were only three trains back from Ostuni to Fasano to get back again - and then to try to find where the bus left from in Fasano (not the same place that I was originally dropped)  to get back to Locorotondo, because this detail seemed to be a bit of a mystery to everyone, including the bus driver of the link bus, who very kindly called a few mates to help me fill in the details. 

So, I decided it was just way too complicated. Ostuni will be there again for another time. I've seen heaps, done heaps, and tomorrow I start the journey back to New Zealand. Best to chill. Perhaps an Aperol Spritz. I'm ready to come home now.

Thanks for hanging out with me, it's been great. And what I love about this blog is that when it is wintery at home, or when I'm thinking about holidays, I can just go back and read it and remember the amazing adventures I've had. Life's pretty good isn't it!


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